Feast of St. Rita of Cascia

by | May 22, 2023

Saint Rita of Cascia, also known as Saint Rita of the Impossible, is a beloved figure in Catholicism who is venerated for her piety, faith, and extraordinary acts of charity. Her life serves as an inspiration for individuals seeking spiritual growth, compassion, and resilience.

Born Margherita Lotti in the 14th century in Roccaporena, Italy, Saint Rita experienced a challenging and often tumultuous life. She was married at a young age to an abusive husband and endured his mistreatment for many years. Despite the difficulties she faced, Rita exhibited unwavering faith and dedication to God. She is often portrayed as a symbol of endurance and forgiveness, which resonates with modern Catholics who value social justice and the empowerment of women.

Rita’s patience, kindness, and ability to forgive are prominent themes in her life. It is said that she prayed fervently for her husband’s conversion and, eventually, he did transform, leading to a more harmonious relationship before his untimely death. This aspect of Rita’s story aligns with spiritual values of reconciliation and the belief in the transformative power of love.

After the death of her husband, Rita desired to enter the religious life but was initially denied admission due to her family’s association with a vendetta. Through prayer and perseverance, however, she was eventually accepted into the Augustinian convent of Saint Mary Magdalene. This aspect of Rita’s life demonstrates her resilience and determination, qualities that resonate with those who value inclusivity and the pursuit of personal growth.

Saint Rita is particularly venerated as the patron saint of impossible causes, and many individuals seek her intercession for help in desperate situations. Her reputation for miracles and answered prayers is a testament to the power of faith and hope. From a spiritual perspective, this aspect of Rita’s life can be seen as a reminder to remain open-minded and compassionate towards those who face seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Overall, Saint Rita of Cascia’s life exemplifies the values cherished by Catholics, such as forgiveness, resilience, social justice, and inclusivity. Her story serves as an inspiration to individuals seeking spiritual growth and demonstrates the transformative power of faith and love.

Bishop’s Message:

My dear brothers and sisters,

Today, we gather together to celebrate the life and witness of a remarkable woman, Saint Rita of Cascia. I invite you to join me in reflecting upon the inspiring journey of this beloved saint and the lessons we can learn from her example.

Saint Rita’s life was not without its challenges and hardships. Born in Italy in the 14th century, she faced many trials, including an arranged marriage to a man with a violent temper. Despite these difficulties, Saint Rita remained steadfast in her faith, seeking solace and strength in her relationship with God. Her unwavering trust in divine providence serves as a powerful reminder that even in the darkest moments of our lives, God’s grace can sustain us.

It was through her deep commitment to prayer and her unwavering faith that Saint Rita was able to transform her own life and the lives of those around her. When her husband was tragically killed, she faced the daunting task of forgiving those responsible for his death. In an act of profound compassion and mercy, she not only forgave them but also interceded on their behalf, praying that they might find redemption and experience God’s love and forgiveness.

Saint Rita’s life is a testament to the power of forgiveness and reconciliation. In a world marked by division and conflict, her example calls us to emulate her spirit of compassion and understanding. As modern Catholics, we are called to be agents of healing and reconciliation in our families, communities, and even in the wider society. We are challenged to break down walls of hostility and seek paths of forgiveness and peace.

Saint Rita also exemplified the qualities of resilience and perseverance. After the tragic loss of her husband and the painful experiences that followed, she sought refuge in the Augustinian convent of Cascia. There, she embraced a life of prayer, penance, and service to others. Through her devotion to God and her dedication to the works of mercy, she became a source of comfort, wisdom, and inspiration for many.

In Saint Rita, we find a model of strength and fortitude in the face of adversity. Her life reminds us that even in our own struggles and challenges, we can find the strength to persevere through our faith in God. She teaches us that our trials can become opportunities for growth and transformation, and that our suffering, when united with the suffering of Christ, can bear great spiritual fruit.

Furthermore, Saint Rita’s life demonstrates the transformative power of love. Her deep love for God and her fellow human beings guided her every action. Her selflessness and compassionate heart remind us of the core message of the Gospel: to love one another as God has loved us. Saint Rita’s life challenges us to examine the depth of our own love and to strive for greater compassion, empathy, and solidarity with those who are marginalized, oppressed, and in need.

On this day of celebration and reflection, let us draw inspiration from the life of Saint Rita of Cascia. Let her example of faith, forgiveness, resilience, and love guide us in our own journey of discipleship. May we, like her, become instruments of God’s grace and mercy in the world, shining the light of Christ in every corner of our lives.

May Saint Rita intercede for us, and may her prayers help us to grow in holiness and deepen our commitment to building a more just and compassionate world.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.