Memorial Day – 2023

by | May 29, 2023

My dear brothers and sisters,

As we gather today on this sacred Memorial Day, my heart swells with both gratitude and sorrow. Gratitude for the brave souls who have given their lives in service to our nation, and sorrow for the tremendous sacrifices made by these heroes and their families. Today, as a bishop and a member of the United States Coast Guard, I stand before you to honor the memory of those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

In the Catholic faith, we are taught to cherish the sanctity of life and to value the dignity of every human person. It is in this spirit that we recognize and honor the fallen soldiers who selflessly laid down their lives, guided by a deep sense of duty and love for their fellow citizens. They understood that freedom comes at a cost, and they were willing to bear that burden.

Memorial Day reminds us that our freedom was not easily won nor is it guaranteed. It was through the courage, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment of countless men and women that we have inherited the liberties we hold dear today. We owe them a debt of gratitude that can never truly be repaid. Their memory lives on, not only in the annals of history, but also in the hearts of a grateful nation.

I believe that honoring the fallen extends beyond mere remembrance. It challenges us to work tirelessly for peace and justice in our world. It calls us to build a society where the ideals for which they fought are fully realized – a society that upholds the dignity of every human being, that protects the vulnerable, and that promotes equality and inclusivity.

In our pursuit of justice, we must remember that war should always be a last resort, employed only when all other avenues for peaceful resolution have been exhausted. We must strive for a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, understanding, and diplomacy. Let us work together to dismantle the systems that perpetuate violence and oppression, and replace them with structures that foster peace, reconciliation, and cooperation.

On this Memorial Day, let us also remember the families left behind, the mothers, fathers, spouses, and children who carry the weight of loss every day. Let us hold them in our prayers and offer them our support, for their sacrifice is immeasurable. May they find comfort in the knowledge that their loved ones’ legacy lives on, and that their nation stands beside them in gratitude and solidarity.

As we remember the fallen, let us renew our commitment to honor their sacrifice by actively working for a world free from violence and injustice. Let us seek to bridge the divides that separate us and embrace the common humanity that unites us all. In doing so, we not only pay homage to the fallen heroes, but we also honor the God-given dignity inherent in every human person.

May God bless and watch over our fallen heroes, their families, and our great nation. May their memory inspire us to create a more just and peaceful world for generations to come.

With love and prayers,